So as today was my last day of work at Peet's, it really hit me that my trip is just around the corner. While I am ecstatic that my barista days under horrible management are finally behind me (with a good chunk of hard earned money to speak for it all), there is no more time to be too tired from those early 6am shifts to procrastinate any longer. It feels like there is still so much left for me to do to get ready to leave, but in just 18 days (ready or not) I will be flying across the Pacific Ocean. Emphasis on the flying situation.
As some may know, as a graduation present my parents gave me a round trip ticket to Australia. It was great to know that they actually supported my trip (regardless of their sly comments about how I should just stay and hang out with them in California) and this gift meant one less cost for my dream trip that I've been working so hard to save for. And while I do very much appreciate this gift, it meant that if dad is paying he's choosing how I get there. And unfortunately that means using miles and flying on what I consider the jankiest airline ever--United.
This is a flight of 14 hours and 37 minutes. I can't even comprehend what one person is supposed to do on a metal tube in the air for 15 hours. It would be nice if the airline provided some sort of entertainment help to assist the passengers in maintaining their sanity on such a long flight. But no, not United. As an economy passenger (including economy PLUS), that would just be asking way too much. So what do they give you for the almost 15 hours you're flying with them in economy? Some booze, some dinner, and FOUR MOVIES. Four movies?! Seriously?! And what do they plan to do for the 6 or 7 additional hours once the four movies run out?? Do they make a bowling alley down the aisles? Or should I just twiddle my thumbs once my laptop battery dies? Because, oh, did I mention, plugs for your laptop are only available in business and first class. Apparently, as United was "updating" their airplanes, they couldn't be bothered to move behind business class to install some extra plugs. Did they think us economy folk just happen to have these magical laptops that stay charged for 15 hours? Or maybe, they thought, that if you're flying in economy you just don't get bored. I beg to differ. I'm lucky they're even giving me some free wine to help me try to get an hour or two of sleep.
Oh Qantas Airlines, how I wish I could fly with you. Qantas has over 500 movies and 250 television shows to choose from in the on-demand entertainment that is provided to the entire plane--including economy! Did I mention that Qantas even has a self service snack bar? I guess it's official. Australia must really be better then America, all the way down to their airlines. I expect this to probably be one of the most painful 15 hours of my life thus far. And while I know a year in Australia will immensely outweigh the horrendous flight I must suffer through, those 15 hours are still required of me to even begin my adventure.
And so ends my rant; everything will be positive from here on out, I promise! (And Dad/Mom, if you're reading this, I promise I do totally appreciate the plane ticket, even if I am flying on disgusting United).
Thanks for telling me how to comment, Abbser-Dabbser! ;-) And enjoy your flight! Love, Aunt Jen